Top 6 Birthday Gifts For Kids

Are you guys really thinking and puzzled while purchasing gifts for kids’ Birthday and Return Gifts for their friends?

If this is the case then this article is very helpful for you as today I am going to tell something very special.

So, first of all, I want to tell you guys that I have two kids— one is 8 years old and the other one is 6 years old. Well, both are studying in school and they have many friends too.

Every month or you can say in every week there will be a birthday of their Friend.

Every month, rather every week there falls the birthday of one of their Friends. Purchasing suitable birthday gifts for them were quite a challenge for me. Whenever I used to enter in my house with a gift, my wife or even my kids would start making faces at the gifts giving clear impression that they are not happy with the gifts. I was really in a very difficult situation.

Now the Problem of Purchasing Gifts for Kids is Solved

Gullybaba Kids is the best place to purchase gifts for kids. I am really all praise for the gullybaba kids’ website because this is the virtual place that has gifts that provide both information and entertainment. Apart from providing fun, the gifts displayed here do also help kids learn good manners and behaviour.

That’s why I am going to tell you about these top Six gifts that you can present to your kids and their friends.

Top 6 Gifts to Buy for Kids Birthday Party

Pen/Pencil Stand

Pen Stand is a best gift for kids

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According to the findings of a recent study conducted on kids, children lose their concentration very quickly if they do not find their pen/pencil at its place. Pen/pencil stand on their table help prevent any sort of distractions while looking for pen, pencil or any related stationery items. It does also help kids keep all their stationery essentials in an organised way. Moreover, they like the decorative pen/pencil stand.

I like this product of Gullybaba very much because it is not only decorative and impressive, but it does also contain inspiring quotations that make an imprint on the subconscious mind of the kids and help them adopt good habits, behaviour, etc. I have myself seen its amazing response from the kids and this is the reason it is one of my favourite products for the little champions.

It’s Me Educational Cards

It’s Me Educational Cards Game "Best Gifts for kids"

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According to Daniel Goleman, the famous American Science Journalist and the author of “Emotional Intelligence” the capacity to understand and express emotions is a crucial skill. But, it is an irony that the parents of today take it for granted. Those parents whose kids are low in expressing emotions tend to think that it is because they themselves are not emotionally efficient, or they pick a reason and get satisfied. They hardly think that their children can be made emotionally intelligent and that too without putting significant time and money/energy. In fact, it will not be a hyperbole if I say that making your child emotionally expressive is just one Gullybaba Gift away.

The It’s Me Cards are unique in the way that by just making these cards close to the chest of your kids, you can create imprint on their subconscious mind and help them make emotionally fertile in few weeks. Those who have these cards have started reaping the benefits of these cards; the next one could be you.

 Photo Frame

Photo Frame

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I think nothing will be a substitute of the Photo Frame if you want to make any of your moments memorable. This photo frame has an added plus because it contains beautiful picture of The Indian Superhero Gullybaba and his team. Your kids will love to have their photographs pasted in alignment with their friend, philosopher and guide Gullybaba and his team members. Gifting this photo frame will make the child feel abundantly happy.

  Stone- Paper Scissors Educational Playing Card Game

Purchase "Stone Paper Scissor" from

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I think this is the gift, that will not only please the kid, but his/her parents as well. The kids will love this game because they will love its cover, decorative cards with pictures of stone, scissors, paper, etc. and moreover the structure of the game because it will give them so many chances to win the game by just showing cards. The parents will be happy because these cards will help their kids develop reasoning faculty in them and hence activate their left brain.

 Drawing Book

This book for kids available on Gullybaba Kids

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Creativity is in the brain of Kids. Gift them a Drawing Book to publish it on Paper. Drawing books for kids is required throughout the year.

It is rightly said that if you want to know about the Creativity Quotient of your kids, just give them a drawing book. I am recommending Drawing Books by Gullybaba Kids because the drawing objects given in this book perfectly suits the world of imaginations the kids of a particular age happens to reside. Another big advantage of this book is that it will help turn your kids’ curiosity into artistic masterpiece.

Modern Snakes & Ladders with Ludo 2.0

"Snake and Ladders " game is very old

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This game is simplest but extraordinary in many ways. What a great effort by the team members of Gullybaba! By just playing One Game the children tend to know what is good/bad for them.

All that you need to do as a parent is to just introduce this game to your kids. Do involve yourself in this game. Ask your kids: Why snakes bit you/what made you climb up the ladder? And then answer yourself: because you showed a bad behavior/ you displayed a good behavior. After 3-4 times, they will themselves start telling you the reason of their success/failure even before you open your mouth. When they play this game for considerable number of times, staying away from the bad behaviours will stuck in their subconscious mind.

Similarly, the game of Ludo helps hone the left side of the brain of the kids as this game involves lots of reasoning. As the players race their tokens, only they have to decide as to which token should be put at rest or continue in race. When there is risk involved (the rival’s token replacing the token and taking its position in a square) it is the owner of that token (player) who has to take the token away from the danger zone. In this process, the minds of the player kids get sharpen and their ability rises significantly.

So, above were the best six Gifts for your Kid’s Birthday Party. There are many other gifts and books that you can choose from the Gullybaba kid’s website.

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