
Modern Snakes & Ladders with Ludo 2.0

(4 customer reviews)

Original price was: ₹100.00.Current price is: ₹70.00.

Key Specification:
Product name – Gullybaba Ludo, Sanke & Ladder
Type – Educational Cards
Brand name – Gullybaba Kids
Age – 5-13 years
Used material – 2 MM Kappa Board
No. of game – Two
Size – 12 x 12 Inch
Language – English
Product Code – LSEG0025


Modern Snakes & Ladders with Ludo 2.0

Are you fed up with bad habits in kids?
Are you tired of scolding them every time when they show up bad habits?
Do you have apprehension that they are hiding any(dangerous) habit from you?
Are they not interested in regular exercise?
Are they not maintaining good hygiene?
……and the list is endless?

If the answer to all/any of the above questions is a big YES, you will get solution Today.

First, let me tell you: Why this is happening?

  • Our surroundings are spoiling them by putting in their ears, the words they are immature enough to take their wholesome meanings,
  • Screens which are impairing their vision,
  • The wrongful notion, Idea, Impression, etc. to which they are exposed to, may impair their belief system in the long run.

if they are allowed to remain vulnerable to them for a long time, their belief system may get spoiled and you may have to live under the shadow of repentance for your kids for the rest of your life.
Action not taken on time will be like gifting them struggle, not in terms of Money, but emotions.

It may add to your information that when we keep on instructing kids for same things repeatedly; they tend to develop a wall subconsciously on their understanding. All the suggestions of parents fall on their deaf ears. The parents keep on cautioning and the kids keep on neglecting and in this way the relationship between kids and parents turn sour.

Gullybaba has the solution for these all. It has brought an extraordinary and the simplest…………. The SINGLE solution to all, called Modern Snakes&Ladders with Ludo 2.0 for you to make all these clutters a thing of PAST. It’s an invention by Seasoned publisher, authors, doctors and child psychologists.

Just introduce this game to play to kids, ask why snakes bit you or why you climbed the ladder. They will read a good habit, giving a signal to their subconscious mind that this habit makes me going up in life, whereas in case of bad ones, the signal reaches that executing the bad habit leads to downward progress and struggle. Again I have to cross the same path which was already covered. Consciously this product enables Kids to Powerfully choose what is the best you want for them.

Even parent also enjoy this playing with kids. Bring back love and affinity.

Thousands of parents have selected its best gift for kids and ideal gift for gifting.

Now Habit Installation Made Easy and Fun. Easiest and Fastest Proven method to Install 10 Good Habits, and let loose the impact of 10 Bad Habits with almost ZERO engagement of Yours.

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4 reviews for Modern Snakes & Ladders with Ludo 2.0

  1. Jamal Sheikh

    good quality product suitable for playing while travelling with my kids.

  2. Krisshan Mohan

    The concept of this puzzle is very useful for my toddlers to learn good things.

  3. Omkar Singh

    This is the best game ever for my kids. My daughter loved it.

  4. Nasim Ahmad

    What a lovely game! Now we can teach our kids good and bad deeds in playway.

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